Security Engineering: Microsoft Intern Opportunities for University Students

I’m often asked about how people can get into cyber security or IT careers. For university students, internships are ideal. Many large companies are looking to hire students right out of college so they can be groomed for whatever role they desire to fill. Many companies have fantastic on the job training, which include boarding, certification boot camps and other paid learning. I remember a few buddies at Cisco were hired out of college and spent a year going through a training program before placed into engineering roles. The training he received would have cost thousands of dollars to do independently.

Microsoft has posted a call for internships for university students. If you fall in this category, you should apply. Go HERE for more information or go to Security Engineering: Intern Opportunities for University Students in Redmond, Washington, United States | Security Engineering at Microsoft.

Good luck. If I had to do it again, I would spend ALL OF MY ENERGY targeting one of these internships.

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