Ransomware review: June 2023 – Malaslocker takes the top

Malwarebytes research team posted their latest findings regarding trends in ransomware HERE. The biggest interesting point is how Malaslocker is being seen as the top threat followed by LockBit (which has been around for a while).

Malaslocker is interesting for two reasons. First, they claim to be the Robinhood of ransomeware by asking compromised organizations to donate money to a charity for the decryption key rather than funding them. There isn’t evidence of a decryption solution provided by Malwarebyets as well as others have shown samples of the Malaslocker ransomware notice asking for this behavior.

The second interesting thing about Malaslocker is its methods of attack. Some of the recent ransomware tactics are leveraging known exploits against known vulnerabilities but also targeting multiple targets at once (with automation).

Malwarebyets also speaks about other trends including different types of organizations as well as ransomware campaigns. Its a good read … found HERE.

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