Facebook Trains Its AI on Your Data. Opting Out May Be Futile

There has been tons of concerns regarding how AI utilizes unauthorized data. Companies like Facebook/Meta, Google and other popular free resources have also been criticized for using people’s data without their knowledge. These two concerns have clashed together with Facebook using people’s data for its AI training. Can you opt out? According to a post on Wired found HERE, you sorta can.

According to Wired, Meta added a new form to one of its help centers titled “Generative AI Data Subject Rights at Facebook.” With this form, you can request that Meta give you access to the third-party data it uses for AI development and that the personal information is deleted. The operative word here is “request.” There’s no guarantee from the company that it’ll delete it, or that it’ll provide you with the information you’re asking for, even if it’s yours.

See the full article to learn more about this concern.

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